The North Star Programme Kick-off Ceremony
HKUGA College is organizing the fifth North Star Programme. This year, for the first time, we held a “kick-off ceremony” for the mentors and mentees to meet at the beginning of the school term to help both mentors and student mentees to understand the nature of the entire programme and to emphasise the expected outcomes of the programme and how students will benefit.
We were honoured to have 12 mentors, all S5 students and all S5 class teachers at the kick-off ceremony. Dr. Chan Kow Tak, our school’s founding supervisor and also the founder of the programme gave an in-depth sharing of his experiences and joy of being a North Star Programme mentor. Ms. Hazel So, a graduate of our first cohort, shared her experience and the inspiration gained from her enrolment in the programme back when she was in S5. After the inspirational sharing, each group of mentors and mentees were given 30 minutes to chat. All mentors will meet their mentees a month later.