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2017 1st Issue

Open Day & Admission Seminars

03 Dec 2016

On 3rd December 2016, over 2000 primary school students and parents, visited the Open Day and attended the S1 Admission Seminars held by HKUGA College.


During the admission seminar, Ms. Corina Chen, the Principal introduced the background of the College. Mr. Newman Chan, the Vice Principal then hosted a sharing session with some secondary 2 students. Mr. James Kwok, the DSE perfect scorer in 2015 was also invited to the sharing session. Ms. Dorothy Shum, the head of admission then briefed the visitors about admission procedure. After that, the students had the opportunity to attend Open Classrooms of different subjects.


In addition to that, the guests had the opportunity to enjoy student's presentation of their joyful learning experiences in areas of Chinese, English, science, humanities, life & society, and other learning experiences, and play mini-games in various Subject Display Rooms. One of the highlights was the S6 Graduation Art Show at the activities centre.


The student ambassadors then guided the guests for a tour around different corners of the College, to experience their non-academic but whole person development curriculum, including a batch-making workshop, digital music composition, archery, cookie-bakery, and 3-D printing studio.

Photo Gallery

Opening Ceremony: From the left - Ms. Angela Hui, Ms. Corina Chen, Dr. Jacky Cheung and Mr. Newman Chan.Mr. Newman Chan, the Vice Principal hosting the sharing session.Demo drama lesson by Mr. Matthew Wilkinson.Parents and students were experiencing e-Learning on Mac.